Junebug Lodge: A Vegan Getaway

Last year during the late summer and early fall months I noticed so many of my friends posting on Facebook that they were going to the Finger Lakes. Honestly, other than the quick reference in an episode of The Office, I never heard of the Finger Lakes. However with so many people headed up there…

Vegan Burger @ Habit Burger

When I became vegan, the only thing I really sought to “replace” was a good burger. As a rule, if I see a vegan burger on a menu, I’ll give it a try. Supporting my quest,  Habit Burger in King of Prussia, PA was nice enough to invite me to try out their new vegan burger. …

Miss Rachel, Vegan Cheese & Community Love

Rachel Klein works her vegan magic at Miss Rachel’s Panty, a small, vintage vibe space, in South Philly.  She is the premier vegan caterer in Philly and also hosts weekly dinners in her Pantry which are BYOB. You can choose to sit at the 12 seat communal table or at a couple of the slightly more…

Choolaah Indian BBQ – KOP

I had the chance last night, along with my wife Karen and our friend Carmella, one half of The Food Duo, to check out a the new fast casual restaurant in King of Prussia – Choolaah Indian BBQ. Located in  the King of Prussia Town Center, basically a shopping plaza set in a small town street…

Zahav – Great Food with Great Friends

My wife and I have been to  Michael Solomonov’s  Zahav on a couple of previous occasions.  Any night at Zahav is a great night; the food, atmosphere, and the service are all stellar, truly one of the best all around dining experiences I have ever had. The only thing that could make it better is…

The Wild Burrito – South Philly Lunch

For the past several weeks I have been good about eating raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts for the first portion of the day. Last week however was such a whirlwind that I ran out of time to prep anything to bring with me for lunch. Luckily my office is in South Philly, close to a number of…

The Chilly Banana – Happy Friday!

It has been a bit of a hectic Friday in the office. For lunch I decided to hit the Indego Bike Station around the corner of my office at Dickinson Square. A twenty minute bike ride around Center City was perfect to clear my head. But it is June and pretty warm out there already, so I am finding…

Blackbird Pizza: The Calzone Effect

I still remember the first time I ever had any food from Blackbird Pizza. It was during a screening of Vegucated in the summer of 2012 and Blackbird provided the food after the movie. They had several different pizzas and a chickpea ‘tuna’ wrap. This was just as I was learning about being vegan and I was excited,…

Vegan Commissary – Market Edition

The Vegan Commissary has been one of my favorite spots since the very first time we ate there, just after their opening. My boss heard me talking about an all vegan restaurant opening in South Philly and how excited I was that such a place was going to be so close by work! The Christmas just before they…